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  • Lauren Bacall recuerda "El halcón maltés" (Lauren Bacall remembers "The Maltese Falcon")

  • Coche Ford Falcon choca contra camion en la Ruta Provincial 2 - 1973

    Bs. As .: Accident on Provincial Route 2 with the collision of a Ford Falcon car against a cargo truck carrying pipes. Camilleros from an ambulance remove the body of a person from the wrecked car. Image of the totally destroyed car. Highway police and outpatient staff jobs. Image of the truck out of the way. (Without sound)
    Date: 3/30/1973
    Duration: 38 seconds
    Film Code: A-08655

    Copyright DiFilm Archive - Buenos Aires - Argentina
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  • Coleção Marvel de Bonecos : Os Vingadores ou Avengers - Brinquedos

    Confira Coleção Marvel de Bonecos : Os Vingadores ou Avengers com praticamente 15 Heróis de Brinquedos !\r
    Esse bonecos Marvel Avengers são lindos demais, acho que entre todos eles gosto mais do Hulk, e você ? Comente !\r
    Na Coleção são eles : Hulk, Hulkbuster, Wolverine, Capitão América, Homem de Ferro, Thor, Pantera Negra, Homem Formiga, Doutor Destino, Visão, Máquina de Guerra, Soldado Invernal, Falcon, Crossbones e Ultron.\r
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  • Ford Motor Argentina factory in Pacheco - Buenos Aires 1966

    Bs. As .: In the industrial center Ford, whose facilities have demanded an investment of 70 million dollars, we visited the different departments with 135 thousand square meters of covered surface, where the tests and the structure examinations of the parties are carried out and accessories that make up the vehicle. Argentine technicians and workers, having the most modern instruments; they perform the severe quality control that guarantees the performance, both that of the Falcon units and those that make up the Ford truck line. In the structure test department, all the armed parts such as lights, seats, steering, elastics, etc are carefully examined; even all engines running. In this track of unique characteristics in South America, the standard units that leave the Ford industrial center are subjected to a definitive test, in roads of different consistencies and irregularity, and in roads of the most varied class. It is a real work tool that makes possible the verification of the integral quality of the cars; In this way Ford Motor Argentina ensures the quality of the product enabling it to be used in the most perfect conditions. (EPA News)
    Date: 1966
    Duration: 1 minute 31 seconds
    Film code: B-11562

    Copyright File DiFilm - Queries for archival material -
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